Leander Hamby

Lee_Burt 2

The man in this photo is either AB’s oldest son, Leander, or his 5th son, John Albert, known as Little Bert. I am going on the assumption this is a photo of Leander because Leander contracted polio and the person in the photo is sitting. If it is Leander, his expression here belies his colorful personality.

Leander’s story

William Leander Hamby was born September 08, 1871, and died 1933. He married Paralee Miller. She was born 1876, and died 1962. William contracted polio as an adult living in Georgia and moved back to Black Mountain.

Children of William Hamby and Paralee Miller:
Lillian Hamby. She married Anders; died March 10, 1981
Chas C Hamby, born July 30, 1899; died August 05, 1931
William Lee Hamby, born 1915; died 1977. He was a private, US Army, WWII
Laura Hamby
Frank Hamby

Extract from a newspaper column in a 1985 issue of the Asheville Citizen Times called Flashback:

“An 11 year old Black Mountain boy was arrested near his home 72 years ago by US Deputy Marshall MD Justice on charges of retailing whiskey.

Two witnesses testified before the US Commissioner RS McCall that they had purchased whiskey from the boy on several occasion and that he did not seem to try to cover his movements but on the contrary was very bold with his sales. The boy’s father, Lee Hamby, was also arrested and charged with retailing whiskey.”

The article appeared in 1985. 1985 – 72 years = 1913. Prohibition in North Carolina began in 1908. If the boy was 11 in 1913 then he was born in 1902. The closest “fit” is that the boy’s father was William Leander who’s nickname may have been Lee. The boy may be the one called Guinea or Ginny.